Themed tours in the Eifel National Park
Themed tours - Books
Altogether, there are ten advanced and twelve easy themed tours in the Eifel National Park. They are described in the Themed tours - Books published by Bachem publishing. The tour book can be purchased at the National Park Gates or at book stores.
"Hiking without books"
Five themed tours in the Eifel National Park are consistently sign posted, therefore tour books are not required for those hikes. See below for detailed information about those tours.
• Themed Tour 1 "Biber, Bäche, Eichenwälder" (Beaver, creeks, oak forests) start-ing point is the parking lot “AM Scheidbaum” need Nideggen-Schmidt (length: 16km, shortcut: 10km including 1.75km detour. Marking T 1
• Themed Tour 2 "Buchenhallen und Eichenhänge" (Beech halls and oak hillsides) starting point is the parking lot “Bübenbach” at the Schwammenauel dam (length: 14.5km, shortcut: 7.5km) Marking T 2
• Themed Tour 3 "Schieferbrüche und Fledermäuse" (slate quarries and bats) start-ing point is “Hirschrott” which you can reach from the parking lot “Finkenauel” near Simmerath-Erkensruhr. (length: 12.5km) Marking M 3
• Themed Tour 5 "Orte der Kraft" (Places of strength) starting point is the parking lot of Mariawald Abbey near Heimbach (length: 14.5km, shortcut: 4.5km) Marking M 5
• Themed Tour 7 "Auf verschlungenen Pfaden" (On winding paths) starting point is the Gemünd National Park Gate (length: 11.5km, shortcut: 4.5km) Marking T 7