You'll feel it. Not far from the big cities in the Rhineland you can dive into another world in the North Eifel. This is guaranteed by unspoiled nature, special treasures, an often sparkling starry sky and the cleanest air in Germany.
Under these conditions, the North Eifel provides the perfect environment for you to do something good for your health. In the Kneipp-Spa Bad Münstereifel and the Kneipp-health-resort Gemünd you will get into contact with the teachings of Sebastian Kneipp. Both places offer many opportunities for application.
Another offer, especially for young and old, is the barefoot and generation park in Dahlem-Schmidtheim. A course with 15 adventure stations and a barefoot path will keep you on your toes.
With the initiative Eifel vital, a wide range of providers have joined together to offer a holistic programme for body and soul.